Ethan’s 3-year milestones:
- More independent in dressing, brushing teeth, washing and drying hands, etc.
- Has an increased attention span and memory
- Almost fully potty trained – stays dry most nights
- Notices changes or deviations in his routine
- Starting to ask questions about EVERYTHING
- Interested in finding out what motivates people to do things
- Uses more than 50 single words, as well as sentences with 5 or more words
- Understands concepts such as less and more, small and big, etc.
- Understands cause and effect
- Expresses a wide range of emotions
- Uses imagination more
- Learning about time, days of the week, months, and how to use letters to form words
- Loves playing indoors – play dough, stickers, drawing, cutting, gluing, puzzles, toys, etc.
- Loves playing outdoors – soccer, baseball, basketball, swing set, sandbox, tricycle, scooter, paint, chalk, toys, etc.
Emily’s 9-month milestones:
- Crawls and pulls up on things
- Stands and takes steps while holding onto something, and stands alone momentarily
- Understands a few words – “yes”, “uh-oh”, “hi”, “bye”, “mommy”, “daddy”, “Ethan”, “Emily”, “baby”, "kisses"
- Combines syllables into word-like sounds
- Says “dada” often, sometimes “mama”
- Drops objects and then looks for them
- Understands the sign for “more” and is beginning to do the sign herself
- Makes razzing sounds, imitates sounds
- Responds to her own name
- Sits without support
- Claps, bangs objects together and passes them from one hand to the other
- Plays interactive games, such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
- Uses fingers and thumb to poke, pry, probe and pick up small objects
- Sleeps through the night, except for an occasional night wakening
- Cautious around certain strangers, as well as family members she doesn’t see very often
- Has both bottom front teeth
- Feeds herself soft finger foods and drinks from a sippy cup independently
- Waves “hi” and “bye”
- Gives kisses
- She loves...being entertained by her big brother, eating solid food/nursing, playing with/chewing her favorite toy – Sophie the Giraffe, dancing, playing her little piano, cuddling, being held in the ERGO Baby Carrier, going on jogs with her mommy & brother, taking baths, sucking her two fingers for comfort, etc.