A few weeks ago I did a 3-day
juice reboot. It ended up being more of a commitment than I expected, but it was well worth it.
Here are some questions I was recently asked:
Have you ever done a cleanse before? If so, what did you do?
I once did the RAINBOW LIGHT Cleanse Away 7-Day Renewal. This is my first time doing a cleanse with raw fruits and vegetables.
What were your top 3 reasons for doing the cleanse?
Boost my immune system, increase energy, and begin to consume a diet consisting of mostly raw fruits and vegetables.
What was the hardest thing to give up?
Coffee! I really enjoy the taste and aroma of a hot cup of black coffee with raw honey each morning. Now I only consume one small cup of coffee each day. I've really cut back.
Do you plan on doing another juice reboot in the near future?
After the juice cleanse I decided to become a pesco-vegetarian, which means I consume fish, dairy products, and eggs along with plant foods.
I no longer eat meat or poultry. As of now, I feel much better and don't feel the need to do another cleanse anytime soon. However, depending on how my body feels in a month or so, I might change my mind.