Friday, July 24, 2009

Ethan's quotes of the day 7/24/09

While changing Emily's diaper: "Mommy, I want sissy to go in the big potty."

While patting her hair: "Sissy needs a shaved head like mine."

Referring to his first poop of the day: "That looks like a caterpillar. I want to snuggle with it. No...I don't want to snuggle with poop!" (He usually thinks his poop looks like a Rollie Pollie...LOL.)

Referring to his second poop of the day: "Wow, that's a lot of stacking!"

The way a toddler's mind works is beyond me! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. I think you have posted some stuff on the Sandals MAP website before, right? Your name looks familiar to me, but I don't think we've met.

I love Ethan's phrases. Hilarious! I think moms could write a book with the funny stuff our kids say. Well, hopefully we'll get to meet in person sometime. Were you thinking about coming to MAP in the fall?