Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ethan's quotes 2/11/10 - 3/2/10

February 11, 2010 – As we drove by Ethan and Emily’s doctor’s office, Ethan said: “There’s Dr. Saleh’s house!”

February 12, 2010 – When Emily began to cry, Ethan looked at her and said: “Sissy, you’re 9 months and you don’t cry.”

February 12, 2010 – Me: “Where does grandma and grandpa live?” Ethan: “At work.”

February 15, 2010 – While staring at his 9-month-old sister, Ethan said: "Sissy, you look like a princess."

February 17, 2010 – Ethan: “My tummy has a headache.” He meant to say his tummy hurt.

February 26, 2010 – Aunt KK: “Ethan, how old am I?” Ethan: “Big!” Aunt KK: “I’m 18 years old.” Ethan: “18! Wow…that’s a lot of money!” Then he corrected himself and said: “Wow...that's a lot of years!”

March 1, 2010 – Ethan: “You’re a good guy mommy!” Me: “Oh, really? I’m a good guy, huh? (LOL) Thank you!”

March 2, 2010 – Ethan said he's having a "daddy day" while watching the Man Caves show with his dad.

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