Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My birthday celebration

To those of you who called, emailed, or left me a message on Facebook...thank you! I value your friendship and appreciate your thoughtfulness. ♥

I began celebrating my birthday last night with family and friends at The Old Spaghetti Factory. I couldn't stop taking pictures of the kids. Ethan and Emily were very excited to see their cousins, Memphis and Jonah.

After dinner we walked to The Mission Inn to see the Christmas lights. Ethan and Emily started to doze off on the way there, but perked up as soon as they saw the gorgeous lights. They were in awe. We even got to see live reindeer! Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me while we sat outside of Casey's Cupcakes. Ethan enjoyed half of his gingerbread cupcake and made sure to lick his fingers clean.

Today on my actual birthday, Nicole (the mother of the baby I take care of) was kind enough to bring me a Starbucks Gingerbread Latte. What a great way to start my day!

Later, Ethan handed me some of his Hot Wheels, Chuck and Friends, and trains. I was told they were my birthday presents. ;) I love my son!

When Ryan got home from work he had Ethan & Emily give me a card, balloon, and a Chocolate Peppermint Sprinkles Cupcake (yes, another cupcake). He has always been a man full of surprises. He cooked dinner (like he always does) and even did the dishes. I love my hubby!

Now I'm enjoying my cupcake with a glass of red wine as my birthday comes to an end. Thanks again everyone for making my birthday special!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Happy birthday friend! It sounds like an awesome day :) What a sweet little boy and husband you have, and I'm sure Emily will be just as sweet as she grows up!