Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ethan's bedtime song

I always sing to Ethan before he goes to bed. Lately I've been having to set a limit to how many songs I'll sing, because if I don't he will have me singing all night long. Now that he's better at comprehending and trying to put together sentences, I've been asking him what songs he wants me to sing.

For the past two nights (including tonight - about five minutes ago) he has requested that I sing the "Chargers" song, "Shamu" song, and "Eeyore" song. When he first asked me I looked at him funny and thought to myself, "What on earth am I going to sing?" As words came to me and began to rhyme, he smiled and contently laid his head down on my shoulder.

Tonight, after I finished singing all three of his favorite songs he threw in a new request. He asked me to sing the "Dodgers" song. This time I asked him to sing it to me and he surprisingly came up with the following lyrics: "Run the the base...Dodgers hit...get a home run." It was the cutest song ever. :) He is always good at keeping me entertained with something new.

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