Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Emily Grace - 2 months old

I can't believe my baby is already two months old! She is now 11 pounds 10.5 ounces and 22 1/4 inches. I am amazed at how fast she's growing and how much she smiles and babbles. For the most part, she's been a very content baby (as long as she's burped often). She enjoys her big brother's company when he's nice to her. =)

One night she slept for eight hours straight, but on average she sleeps six hours straight. She usually nurses and goes right back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. This is a blessing, since I love to sleep!

Our friend/photographer, Inma Ruggieri recently took Emily's 2-month-old photos. It was her baby shower gift to me. I love the way they turned out! Here are some of my favorites below. I will post more of my favorites once she gives me the rest of them.

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