Thursday, August 27, 2009

Best friends

Ethan and Emily's relationship is growing stronger each day and they are becoming best friends. It's the sweetest thing to watch how they interact with one another.

Ethan tries to pick her up to hold her and we have to constantly remind him to ask us, so we can assist him. He loves playing with "sissy" and gives her lots of affection. He hugs and kisses her throughout the day, which always brings a smile to her face. When Emily's being fussy, her brother's laugh and smile are infectious. He knows exactly how to cheer her up.

My clever son figured out how to pop off the childproofed doorknob covers, so every morning as soon as I hear a "pop" in the monitor I run to catch him before he climbs into her crib. I guess you could call it my wake-up call. I'm making a joke, but it's really not funny. It's sweet that he's excited to see her first thing in the morning, but I don't like how he tries to dash into her room like a puppy ready to play. He tells us he wants to "cuddle with sissy". Sometimes she's still sound asleep and he startles her. Ryan and I are trying to figure out a solution, without keeping her room so childproofed that we won't be able to get in. Any suggestions?

Several days ago, I took Ethan to the grocery store with me. Emily was at home napping with Ryan. After we finished shopping and were approaching our truck, a panicked look came across Ethan's face. He asked, "Mommy, where's sissy? We left sissy in the truck!" I said, "We did? Are you sure?" As soon as I opened the door, he scanned the inside of the truck like a little detective. It was the cutest thing. He was so concerned. Then he looked at me with a sigh of relief and said, "We left sissy at E's house. We left daddy and sissy." It took him a minute, but he remembered that she was safe at home with daddy. As soon as we got to E's house (according to him it's HIS house), he checked on her in her crib to make sure she was really there.

These are just a few stories about my two little angels and I know there will be many more to come. I am enjoying watching them grow up together and feel so blessed to have my boy and girl that I knew I was destined to have. God is good!

Ethan not feeling well & snuggling with his baby sister
2 1/2 years old & 4 months old

Emily trying to watch "Thomas & Friends" with her brother

Hanging out at the park with my babies
3 months old & 2 1/2 years old

Ethan's way of playing trains with Emily
3 1/2 months old & 2 1/2 years old

Giving her "knuckles" a.k.a. "pounds"


Not happy when her brother first jumped into her crib =(
3 1/2 months old & 2 1/2 years old

Helping "sissy" grab her toes

Loves hanging out in her ladybug crib

Having fun in Emily's crib
6 weeks old & 2 1/2 years old

Love my babies

He can't stop touching her hair
1 month old & 2 years old

Ethan wondering what's in her mouth

Sometimes he's actually nice to his "sissy"

Love my little ones
2 years old & 3 weeks old

Loves his baby sister
2 years old & 3 weeks old

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