Friday, September 18, 2009


Today was a good day for the following reasons:

  1. Ethan's ring bearer tux for his cousin Christan's wedding arrived today and it fit perfectly! It was such a great deal. I bought it brand new on eBay for a total of $30, which is half of the price in a specialty store. When I told him I wanted to take some pictures, he didn't hesitate and ran outside to pose for me. =)
  2. I witnessed one of the cutest things ever! Ethan was entertaining his baby sister and got her to crack up with laughter for the longest time. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard.
  3. Ethan surprised me by putting away his outdoor toys all by himself. He put them exactly where they go (in and out of the garage). I was so pleased that he did it without me having to ask him.
Trying on his ring bearer tux for his cousin Christan's wedding
2 1/2 years old

Such a little it!

"Ok mommy...I'm done trying this on!" =)


Rachel said...

He is so adorable! J has been making Sarah laugh lately and I end up in tears every time from laughing so hard. It's awesome to see them bonding!

Blake said...

What great pictures! I wish our kids would pose like that. :) Also, I <3 eBay!

The laughing thing is the same for us...I don't know what her trick is, but our older one can make our younger one laugh *so*'s so much fun watching them interact more and more as they get older.

By the way...where did you get the background for your blog? It's really cool.