Monday, January 11, 2010

Ethan's 3rd Birthday Party

It's hard to believe that my baby boy recently turned 3! Thank you to everyone who came to Ethan's birthday party. It really meant a lot to us. For those of you who weren't able to attend...we missed you! He is so thankful for his gifts, and went to bed Saturday night telling us how special his day was. :)

Even though he's getting big, he'll always be my baby

Ethan's Thomas & Friends birthday party

Ethan loved the signs

Happy 3rd birthday Ethan!

The birthday boy loved his decorations

Guests had to guess how much coal was inside the jar
(Ethan's Grandma Aba/my mom won!)

More signs

Freight Drop Off (a.k.a. gift table)

I came up with the idea to draw, cut & tape clouds to the blue tablecloth
(My sister made them for me...thank you KK!)

Thomas & Friends bounce house was a blast!

Adorable Thomas & Friends cake made by Ethan's Grandma Mary

This was the first Thomas cake she's made...impressive!

My mother-in-law made Ethan's dream cake...thank you!

Waiting for daddy to light his birthday cake

Cute little train conductor

Trying out the cake before anyone else

Pushing Thomas down the tracks

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a cake! I love his train outfit, what a great job! Happy birthday Ethan!