Sunday, February 7, 2010


For the past nine months, Ryan and I have been attending church in the "family room". It's a small room located next to where the main services are held. It allows parents to be able to watch the sermon on a large flat screen TV, while attending to their baby. It worked out great for us, since Emily always nursed during the service. However, now that she has become more mobile and is eating more solids we decided that it's time to put her in the church's nursery. Well, in all honesty my husband decided that it was time. If it was up to me, I probably would have kept her in the "family room" with us until she was 10. :) LOL

As much as I wanted to listen to the sermon in person rather than on a TV, the thought of sending my baby away for one hour with complete strangers made me nervous. And what I mean by "nervous" was that I was afraid to face the fact that my baby girl was growing up. It felt safe and comforting to have her with me on Sunday mornings, but it was doing more harm than good for all of us. She was getting frustrated because she wanted to crawl and cruise the floor, but I wouldn't let her (I'm a germ-a-phob) and Ryan and I were not able to fully listen to our pastor's message. 

Today turned out to be a good day. :) Ryan and I were able to listen to the message with no distractions. Well...almost. I kept the pager they gave me in my pocket and admit that I checked it once during the service to make sure I didn't miss a page. Emily survived being away from her mommy during church. I'm so glad her separation anxiety didn't kick in. She played the entire time and only cried when I arrived to pick her up. By then she was tired and just wanted to be held.

The following verse is a reminder for me to trust God at all times, especially when it comes to my children...
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding..."  Proverbs 3:5


1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm glad she did well! Parenting is all about letting go a little at a time, isn't it?