Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Home Improvements

Ryan is always finding things to organize, fix, or improve and Ethan is his little shadow. I love my hard-working boys! Here are some of our recent home improvements...

 Measuring where his swing set will go - January 2010

 Showing where his sandbox is going

 Uncle Kurty helping Ryan with Ethan & Emily's new sandbox

Helping daddy with his swing set

 I love my handymen!

Ryan & his dad installing our new dishwasher - March 2010

Yay...we finally got a dishwasher!

Ryan made & installed these shelves...
the storage bins are from Costco

Emily checking out her daddy's repair job

Ethan loving his daddy's repair job

Putting in a good day's work

Helping his daddy knock out the first planter

He's one strong 3-year-old :)

 Ethan's a hard worker just like his daddy

Showing off his

Helping his daddy knock out the second planter - April 2010

Ethan wishes he was old enough to
chop down trees like his Uncle Kurty

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