Saturday, June 20, 2009


Today was an interesting day and I'm sure that most moms with toddlers can relate. =)

When I told my 2-year-old son, Ethan that his baby
sister had bad gas he replied, "Does sissy need a gas station?" Then he managed to shove a piece of a chocolate bunny graham up his nostril. He yelled, "Mommy, please get it out!" Luckily, he blew it out right away. I was relieved we didn't have to take him to the hospital, since I desperately needed a shower and Ryan was in the middle of a house project. Just before bedtime while holding me tightly he repeatedly said, "Snuggle one more time...don't leave...don't say bye-bye." His sweet little voice made it so difficult for me to leave his bunk bed after kissing him goodnight.

He is a very active little boy that often tends to frustrate me, but at the end of the day I realize that it's all worthwhile. If I have to experience busy days and sleepless nights in order to raise two precious, healthy children then I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ethan being silly today (2 1/2 years old)

My active & lovable little man

Emily looking so cute & relaxed today (7 weeks old)

She's been smiling for the past 3 weeks now =)

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