Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Terrible two's

Ethan has been one very active toddler, especially since his baby sister was born. He has done some things over the past couple of weeks that I’ve found to be both hilarious and scary. Some of these incidents have occurred when I was half asleep or sound asleep, since I’m sleep deprived due to having a 7-week-old baby.

This morning I woke up to the clinging and clanging sound of coins next to my bed. Ethan had found his daddy’s spare change. Ryan recently taught him the names of each coin, so I assumed that he was only playing with a few. I found it to be no big deal, since he does really well with money as far as NOT putting it in his mouth. Later on, when I walked by his Little Tikes police car I glanced down and saw a huge pile of change in the “trunk” of his car. I couldn’t believe that he transported all of those coins by hand while I was sound asleep. As I was laughing hysterically he said, “Take a picture…call daddy.” He read my mind. I immediately took a picture and called Ryan at work to tell him what a character his son is. Ethan was so proud of what he had done.

Now last week was a different story. My precious son nearly caused me to have a heart attack. When I woke up at 7:30 a.m. it was very quiet and Ethan was not in his bedroom, or anywhere else in the house. As soon as I started to panic I spotted him through the back sliding door. He was in the backyard playing with his toys, which he got from the garage. I calmly explained to him that it is very dangerous to go outside without mommy or daddy. That experience has caused us to take better precautions, which will keep our active toddler inside. Fortunately, the inside of our house is very childproofed.

I’ve found that constantly keeping an eye on Ethan is very tiring, especially when he’s in the same vicinity as his baby sister. It is one of the most challenging things I’ve experienced so far as a mother of two.

Proud of being a coin collector

Ready to go shopping with daddy's $

Oh no...he found mommy's mascara

Little warrior ready for a scrub down

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