Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feed me mommy!

Yesterday I fed my 4-month-old baby her first bowl of organic whole grain rice cereal mixed with breastmilk, which she loved.

I decided I'm going to slowly introduce her to solids, since she's still tiny and can't sit-up on her own just yet. I'm starting off by giving her rice cereal every other day.

Ethan was so excited to have his sister join him for dinner. He moved her high chair right next to his.

The sad thing is...Ethan is outgrowing his high chair, so we're getting him a booster chair soon. This will be the only week that I'll have both of my babies in high chairs. I don't want them to get any bigger! =(

Getting ready to give Emily rice cereal for the first time...
4 months old & 2 1/2 years old

"Feed me mommy!"

They won't be in high chairs together for long =(

Not sure what to do at first, but ended up loving it

Messy baby

She discovered what to do...LOL

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