Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wow...what a day!

I couldn't sleep last night because a darn mosquito kept biting me, so I ended up taking Benadryl. I finally found it in my bed at 2 a.m. and killed it after waking up my hubby...poor Ryan!

Ethan came jumping on me at 6:30 a.m. I was half asleep, so he took off. He came back into my room eating a banana and had six panties around his waist that he had gotten from my clean laundry pile. He's quite a character and becoming Mr. Independent. =)

I called Ryan at work to tell him what happened and he asked if I took a picture of Ethan. I would have, but I was too tired to get my camera. It's too bad though, since it would have been a hilarious picture.

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