Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reasons why I was MIA...

My blogging friend asked me why I was MIA for the entire month of November. In case you're curious too, here are my reasons...
  1. Emily didn't sleep through the night for almost 3 weeks when her bottom teeth were coming in. Plus, she's never been one to take blogging was the furthest thing from my mind, due to exhaustion.
  2. As soon as Emily got back to her normal routine, Ethan's however, has not been consistent. He's been resisting naptime and hopping into mommy and daddy's bed anywhere from 1 to 6 a.m. (it varies). I've been too tired to walk him back to his bed, but now I'm going to start before it becomes a habit. Don't get me wrong...we love snuggling with Ethan, but not until the sun comes up (which is what we keep reiterating to him). We personally, do not want a "family bed".
  3. I've been very behind on my photo albums (editing, printing, labeling, inserting) and can barely keep up with Facebook, let alone my blog.
  4. Lastly, as much as I love blogging...I've been trying to prioritize my schedule to improve productivity. I've been spending more time with my family, going to bed earlier, and staying busy maintaining household duties (with my husband's help, since we make a good team and he's kind enough to share them with me).
  5. We went out-of-town for several family events (Day Out with Thomas, birthday parties, Thanksgiving, etc.) in November. I'll post pics soon!
From now on, my goal is to try to blog at least once a week. However, please forgive me if I get behind. If you're a mother of two little ones like myself, I know you can relate. :)

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