Thursday, January 28, 2010

Milestones: 3 years old & 9 months old

Ethan is now 3 years and 1 month old. He weighs 35 pounds 5 ounces and is 39 inches long. He’s in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th-100th percentile for height. The pediatrician’s prediction is that he will be 6 feet tall like his dad when he’s older. If he continues to eat more than his mom...I believe it! :)

Ethan’s 3-year milestones:
  • More independent in dressing, brushing teeth, washing and drying hands, etc.
  • Has an increased attention span and memory
  • Almost fully potty trained – stays dry most nights
  • Notices changes or deviations in his routine
  • Starting to ask questions about EVERYTHING
  • Interested in finding out what motivates people to do things
  • Uses more than 50 single words, as well as sentences with 5 or more words
  • Understands concepts such as less and more, small and big, etc.
  • Understands cause and effect
  • Expresses a wide range of emotions
  • Uses imagination more
  • Learning about time, days of the week, months, and how to use letters to form words 
  • Loves playing indoors – play dough, stickers, drawing, cutting, gluing, puzzles, toys, etc.
  • Loves playing outdoors – soccer, baseball, basketball, swing set, sandbox, tricycle, scooter, paint, chalk, toys, etc.
Emily is now 9 months old. She weighs 15 pounds 5 ounces and is 26 ½ inches long. She’s only in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height, but her pediatrician said she’s healthy and growing steadily. He also said she’s petite like her mom. :)

Emily’s 9-month milestones: 
  • Crawls and pulls up on things
  • Stands and takes steps while holding onto something, and stands alone momentarily
  • Understands a few words – “yes”, “uh-oh”, “hi”, “bye”, “mommy”, “daddy”, “Ethan”, “Emily”, “baby”, "kisses"
  • Combines syllables into word-like sounds
  • Says “dada” often, sometimes “mama”
  • Drops objects and then looks for them
  • Understands the sign for “more” and is beginning to do the sign herself
  • Makes razzing sounds, imitates sounds
  • Responds to her own name
  • Sits without support
  • Claps, bangs objects together and passes them from one hand to the other
  • Plays interactive games, such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
  • Uses fingers and thumb to poke, pry, probe and pick up small objects
  • Sleeps through the night, except for an occasional night wakening
  • Cautious around certain strangers, as well as family members she doesn’t see very often
  • Has both bottom front teeth
  • Feeds herself soft finger foods and drinks from a sippy cup independently
  • Waves “hi” and “bye”
  • Gives kisses
  • She loves...being entertained by her big brother, eating solid food/nursing, playing with/chewing her favorite toy – Sophie the Giraffe, dancing, playing her little piano, cuddling, being held in the ERGO Baby Carrier, going on jogs with her mommy & brother, taking baths, sucking her two fingers for comfort, etc.


Rachel said...

Awesome picture of the two of them! Personally, I like having a tiny baby (which J was) better than a giant baby (like Sarah, over 20lbs at 9mo!), honestly, my arms ache at the end of the day! She sounds like she's doing great, and so does Ethan! Can you believe how big they're getting?

Sonya Ann said...

You're kids are adorable!
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