Friday, January 16, 2009

Tears of Joy

Ethan’s naptime routine regularly consists of reading him books, and singing him a song while rocking him for a couple of minutes. Then I kiss him and put him in his crib while he’s still awake.

Today was different for some reason. I could blame it on my pregnancy hormones. :) As I started to sing, “Jesus Loves Me” to him he began to hum along. It was the cutest thing. Then he gently caressed my face and looked directly into my eyes with a look of complete bliss and happiness. It melted my heart and made me cry tears of joy. I had so many emotions overcome me.

My first thought was that my baby is growing up quickly and I have been so blessed to be the one to rock him and sing to him before his naps. My second thought (that made me kind-of sad) was that soon I will have another baby and won’t be able to rock Ethan as often. I wondered how that is going to affect both of us. I’m going to want to have both of my babies (since Ethan will always be my baby in my eyes) in my arms every time I’m in the rocking chair. I realize I just need to cherish this time we have together, since he won't be little forever.

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