Friday, October 9, 2009

Flu vaccines

*Note: This post is not intended for debate. I'm not even sure of whether or not my family and I will be getting the swine flu vaccine (in addition to the regular flu vaccine). I just wanted to post this link for those of you who would like more information and/or are a fan of Dr. Sears.


Blake said...

Not to try and create a debate out of it, but here is a link to some comments I posted on a friend's blog. After our family got the swine flu, I spent awhile looking stuff up on-line about it and the comments are basically a summary of what I found.

Rachel said...

Unfortunately, I cannot vaccinate Sarah for either because of her possible allergies - so all of us are being vaccinated against the regular flu and am hoping to get vaccinated against the swine flu.

Blake said...

I don't think that link I posted's a working one...