Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thomas the Train swing

My father-in-law made two airplane swings - one for his boys when they were little, and one for his grandsons. However, this is the first Thomas the Train swing that he's made and I can't believe how cute it turned out! It was my mother-in-law's idea, but Ryan helped with the design. Then Allan built it and Mary painted it. Ethan, of course loves it and is getting one made for his backyard.

Soon, they will design a ladybug swing for their only granddaughter, Emily.
They are so talented! I told them they seriously need to start a business making swings when they retire. A handful of people have already said they would buy one. :)

Thomas the Train swing made by
Grandpa Allan & Grandma Mary for their three grandsons

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That swing is amazing! They'd be able to make money from selling them, for sure! WOW.