Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sweet dreams

The other day Ethan and I were sitting at the table eating a snack. He had just woken up from his nap and was in a very chatty mood. As he proceeded to tell me a story I stopped and asked him, "Did this happen today, yesterday, or a long time ago?" When he told me it happened today, I knew he was simply recalling a dream he had during his nap. He's never described his dreams in such detail before, so I was very surprised and caught off guard. Here's how our conversation went:

Ethan: "There was an earthquake at YayYay & Grandma Mary's house. There were sparkly things (*uses hand motions to show me*). It was shaking (*shakes fists together*). Grandma Mary came to check on me. I was in the green bed."

Me: "What green bed?"

Ethan: "Sissy's bed...the Pack 'n Play."

Me: "Were you big or little?"

Ethan: "I was a baby. I was little."

Me: "What else did you see or what else happened?"

Ethan: "There were bugs in the computer room in the tunnel at YayYay's house. YayYay was wearing a shirt because he didn't want a sunburn. He didn't want bugs on his tummy. He must be full because he ate lunch with me."

Me: "Then what happened?"

Ethan: "Nothin'...that's it."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow! That's amazing. And funny.