Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top 10 things I love about the fall season...

  1. Snuggling up with my husband & kids
  2. My kids go to bed earlier & there’s no struggle, since it gets dark earlier
  3. Ryan’s homemade pumpkin coffee cake, pumpkin pie, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (nonfat milk)…anything pumpkin
  4. Bonfires and s'mores in our backyard
  5. Staying warm & cozy with lots of blankets
  6. Family trips to Oak Glen, Big Bear, The Pumpkin Factory & Day Out With Thomas™
  7. Beautiful autumn leaves & crisp sunny days
  8. Ryan’s homemade soups
  9. Wearing jeans, sweaters & scarves
  10. New TV season
What are your favorite things about fall? Add to my list with your comments below.
Ethan ~ November 2008

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Amber's surgery

June 6, 2010
I'm having surgery early tomorrow morning to repair my umbilical/ventral hernia, which was caused by my second pregnancy. I was told it's a minor surgery, but I'm really nervous about it. I watched a video clip online (so I would know what to expect), which was a big mistake!

I’m praying everything goes well. Emily is still nursing 4-5 times a day and is going to have a hard time not being able to nurse for 24 hours, so I’m praying for her as well.

It's very unfortunate that I am unable to find very few online personal stories and/or photos related to the topic "ventral hernia repair." That's one of the main reasons why I've decided to start a journal regarding my progress. Hopefully the information I share, as well as my overall experience will benefit someone else who must undergo the same surgery.

June 7, 2010
I'm in a lot of pain, but am taking it easy.

June 8, 2010
The surgery went well, but I'm still in a lot of pain...way more than I expected. They had to make a 4 in. incision in my stomach, which was unexpected. I thought it would be a minor surgery, so we've had to make some adjustments this past week. It's hard having two little ones who want to climb all over me. Oh, well...I'm just glad I took care of it before it got worse.

I'm not supposed to lift anything over 10 lbs. for 7 days. The total recovery time is 4-6 weeks. Ryan was able to get someone to work for him today, which is a blessing. He's been a huge help!

There are a lot of other people who are in worse shape than I am, so I have no complaints. I was able to find a babysitter for tomorrow, since Ryan has to work. So...God is good!
June 8, 2010

June 9, 2010
I'm still really sore, but am able to walk around more. The hardest thing is not being able to lift my 17 lb. baby this week. When I picked her up this morning it was very painful & sad because she doesn't understand. I've come to realize how much I took my abs for granted! I'm very fortunate to have people in my life who are helping me and/or praying for me. I'm looking forward to removing the dressing tomorrow and being able to take a shower.

June 10, 2010
Ethan's prayer last night: "Dear Jesus, I pray for mommy's tummy to not be swallowed anymore." He meant to say "swollen". LOL :)

My little man is so thoughtful. Several times a day he asks me if I’m going to be OK. I get emotional when we have discussions about my "boo boo", because I honestly don't know when I'll be able to pick him up and carry him again. Hopefully it won't be for long!

June 11, 2010
I really appreciate everyone’s thoughts & prayers. I haven't been sleeping well at all this week. However, today was the first morning I didn't need medication and I've been able to walk around more. So, I'm slowly recovering and don't look as pregnant today. Ryan has been a big help. I don't know what I would do without him!
June 11, 2010

June 13, 2010
Pastor Matt's message today reminded me to keep my focus on God, rather than myself. Reminders are good! :)

June 14, 2010
I'm going on antibiotics, due to a possible infection at my incision site and I still have a lot of bruising. I know that God is in control, but I would appreciate your prayers. Let me know if you have a prayer request. ♥ Phil 4:6-7

My mother-in-law (who’s a RN) had me take the tape off of my incision yesterday, because the trapped moisture was causing problems. I'm on antibiotics now and the spot that's infected is starting to look better. I just hope my stomach will eventually go back to normal...it's still swollen.

The hardest thing for me is not being able to hold Emily for very long & not being able to hold Ethan at all for the next 4-6 weeks. It’s also really uncomfortable to nurse, but I'm determined to continue 4x a day like I've been doing (at least for now). I'll slowly start weaning, but I can tell that Emily's not ready yet. I'll survive though. I keep reminding myself that God has a plan and is in control.
June 16, 2010

June 21, 2010
I’ve almost finished all of my antibiotics. I'm pretty much in pain only at night, which is caused by a lump of fluid that's bulging out of my stomach. The doctor said he'll put a needle in it to drain it next week if it's still there. My stomach is still swollen, so I ordered a Tauts belly wrap. I hope it works! I still have stitches, however now that I’m applying Vitamin E Oil my incision is finally starting to look better. 

August 19, 2010
My doctor gave me the OK to gradually start working out again. For the past month I've only been doing cardio, which is what he suggested. I'm still too nervous to do abdominal exercises, since I'm afraid of tearing the mesh inside of me.

My stomach isn’t causing me pain like it used to (thanks to the Tauts belly wrap, which I highly recommend), but it’s definitely not back to normal. I've been told my belly button, which was an innie before my second pregnancy will eventually go back to normal. As of now, it's neither an innie or an outie. It's flat like a pancake. So, I'm curious to see what the outcome will be. I’m just happy to be on the road to recovery.

If you, or someone you know has had a ventral/umbilical hernia repair, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. :)
August 19, 2010

Silly babies ♥

3 1/2 years old & 15 months old

Ethan's quotes 6/9/10 - 8/18/10

June 9, 2010 – Two days after I had my ventral hernia repair, my thoughtful little man began praying: "Dear Jesus, I pray for mommy's tummy to not be swallowed anymore." He meant to say "swollen". LOL :)

June 12, 2010 – Ethan: “I wanna stay at grandma & YayYay’s house for a hundred nights!”

June 16, 2010 – Ethan: “Mommy, I pray you get better soon so you can hold me again for a hundred nights.”

July 7, 2010 – When I found Ethan’s missing bug he said, “Wow…you found it! Good eyes!” Later on, when I was dusting he said: “You’re doing a great job, mommy!” Me: “Why don’t you come help me?” Ethan: “I am helping! I’m just sitting on the couch watching you.”

July 10, 2010 – Ethan first looked at Emily and said: “You’re my favorite love love.” Then he looked at me and said: “And you are mommy…and daddy!”

July 11, 2010 – When I was nursing Emily tonight, Ethan said: “You’re so sweet mommy.” Me: “Aww…that’s nice of you! Why am I sweet?” Ethan: “Because you’re so gentle and loving to sissy.” Later, he said: “Mommy, you’re the funniest girl in the whole world and the nicest.”

August 13, 2010 – Ethan: “Amber, you’re hilarious!”

August 17, 2010 – Ethan: “Mommy, I hurt my finger.” Me: “What happened?” Ethan: “I was working on my truck and cut myself with a knife.” Me: “What knife?!?!” Ethan: “Oh…I didn’t have a knife. I was just telling a joke.” Me: “That’s not a funny joke, Ethan.” Ethan: “I was just kidding.”

August 18, 2010 – Ethan: “Mommy, did you like the Dodgers game? I was being a little fritzle. A fritzle means I spilled water on daddy’s shorts. I was trying to play with the water. He said don’t spill it and I did.” Me: “Who said you were being a fritzle?” Ethan: “Randi. She always comes to the game. She’s always there, then she goes home…and Uncle Kurty came too!”

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ethan's quotes 3/8/10 - 4/27/10

March 8, 2010 – While cuddling with Ethan before his nap he was squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. He looked at me and said: “You’re my best friend, mommy! (pause) Don’t go, don’t leave mommy! Stay and cuddle with me!”

March 9, 2010 – Me: “Where’s your lizard?” Ethan: “It disappeared with Jesus in Heaven.”

March 11, 2010 – Ethan: “Mommy, you’re so cute!” Me: “Why am I cute?” Ethan: “Because you’re cooking those pancakes.” Then, when Emily threw her sippy cup on the ground Ethan said: “Hey, Mr.!”

March 25, 2010 – Ethan: “When sissy eats too much she’ll get sick and throw up on that package (points to it). We don’t want that to happen! Mommy and daddy will be upset because the package will get ruined. Daddy will say: I love you, but that package is ruined!”

April 1, 2010 – Ethan’s prayer before dinner: “Jesus, I pray for sissy to not yell, to not fuss, and to not be cranky. Thank you for the Lord of Jesus. Amen.”

April 6, 2010 – Me: “It’s a nice day. You should go outside with daddy.” Ethan: “The weed wacker and the lawn mover are giving me a hard time, so I can’t go outside. They’re too loud!”

April 7, 2010 – Ethan: “Daddy, you’re doing a great job pushing those trash cans!”

April 8, 2010 – Ethan flexes his biceps and says, “Mommy, feel my muscles. It’s bigger than daddy’s. Turn on yoga, so you can get strong muscles like me and daddy.” He waves one fist in the air and shouts, “Yeah!” Then says, “I wanna exercise and go side-to-side and turn.”

April 8, 2010 – Ethan: "I have a headache." Me: “What are headaches?” Ethan: “Headaches are when you’re sick and you eat too much food.”

April 18, 2010 – While playing with his toy airplane, Ethan told his grandpa: “Airplanes fly better with the wing off. I compared it.”

April 20, 2010 – Me: "Your sissy is almost 1!" Ethan: "Aww...I don't want her to turn 1, I want her to stay 10." Me: "She's not 10, she's 11 months." Ethan: "Oh...well, I want her to be 10."

April 20, 2010 – When Ethan was playing with his Hot Wheels, he looked at me and said: “You see…this is a scientific car. It does tricks.”

April 27, 2010 – Ethan: “I don’t want sissy to turn 1.” Me: “Why?” Ethan: “Because she can have a cupcake when she’s 1, and I’m the only one who can have sugar!”

Friday, August 13, 2010

Update: Emily Grace

Emily had her 15-month checkup today. She weighs 18 pounds 13 ounces (less than 5th percentile) and is 29 ½ inches long (25th percentile). Her pediatrician said she's very healthy. She's cutting more teeth, which can cause her to be cranky at times. Otherwise, she's a very happy toddler.

She's still nursing approx. 3 to 4 times a day. My goal was to gradually reduce feedings and have her completely weaned by the time she's 24 months, but so far my little munchkin isn't cooperating (ha!). She frequently looks at me with her big, brown puppy dog eyes and does the sign for "nurse". The fact that she's teething doesn't make the weaning process any easier. So, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to wean her cold turkey, which is not going to be an easy task. I'll eventually know when the timing's right for both of us.

Emily is a very fun, lovable, spunky, and active little girl. She's also fearless, which is very much the opposite of her big brother. She loves the water, isn't afraid of heights, loves to climb, and is always on the move. Besides nursing, her favorite activity is self-feeding. She loves to eat a wide variety of foods. Her second favorite activity is dancing. Whenever she hears music, regardless of what she's doing, she automatically starts moving her body in a rhythmic motion. She recently started doing ballet moves...it's the cutest thing! I'm assuming she learned them from her favorite book, "Tip-Toe Ballerina". The main character's name is Emily. :)
Working out with daddy
Little ballerina
Sweet cheeks