Friday, August 13, 2010

Update: Emily Grace

Emily had her 15-month checkup today. She weighs 18 pounds 13 ounces (less than 5th percentile) and is 29 ½ inches long (25th percentile). Her pediatrician said she's very healthy. She's cutting more teeth, which can cause her to be cranky at times. Otherwise, she's a very happy toddler.

She's still nursing approx. 3 to 4 times a day. My goal was to gradually reduce feedings and have her completely weaned by the time she's 24 months, but so far my little munchkin isn't cooperating (ha!). She frequently looks at me with her big, brown puppy dog eyes and does the sign for "nurse". The fact that she's teething doesn't make the weaning process any easier. So, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to wean her cold turkey, which is not going to be an easy task. I'll eventually know when the timing's right for both of us.

Emily is a very fun, lovable, spunky, and active little girl. She's also fearless, which is very much the opposite of her big brother. She loves the water, isn't afraid of heights, loves to climb, and is always on the move. Besides nursing, her favorite activity is self-feeding. She loves to eat a wide variety of foods. Her second favorite activity is dancing. Whenever she hears music, regardless of what she's doing, she automatically starts moving her body in a rhythmic motion. She recently started doing ballet's the cutest thing! I'm assuming she learned them from her favorite book, "Tip-Toe Ballerina". The main character's name is Emily. :)
Working out with daddy
Little ballerina
Sweet cheeks

1 comment:

candace rachele said...

she is so darn cute !! can't wait to see her again