Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ethan's quotes 3/8/10 - 4/27/10

March 8, 2010 – While cuddling with Ethan before his nap he was squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe. He looked at me and said: “You’re my best friend, mommy! (pause) Don’t go, don’t leave mommy! Stay and cuddle with me!”

March 9, 2010 – Me: “Where’s your lizard?” Ethan: “It disappeared with Jesus in Heaven.”

March 11, 2010 – Ethan: “Mommy, you’re so cute!” Me: “Why am I cute?” Ethan: “Because you’re cooking those pancakes.” Then, when Emily threw her sippy cup on the ground Ethan said: “Hey, Mr.!”

March 25, 2010 – Ethan: “When sissy eats too much she’ll get sick and throw up on that package (points to it). We don’t want that to happen! Mommy and daddy will be upset because the package will get ruined. Daddy will say: I love you, but that package is ruined!”

April 1, 2010 – Ethan’s prayer before dinner: “Jesus, I pray for sissy to not yell, to not fuss, and to not be cranky. Thank you for the Lord of Jesus. Amen.”

April 6, 2010 – Me: “It’s a nice day. You should go outside with daddy.” Ethan: “The weed wacker and the lawn mover are giving me a hard time, so I can’t go outside. They’re too loud!”

April 7, 2010 – Ethan: “Daddy, you’re doing a great job pushing those trash cans!”

April 8, 2010 – Ethan flexes his biceps and says, “Mommy, feel my muscles. It’s bigger than daddy’s. Turn on yoga, so you can get strong muscles like me and daddy.” He waves one fist in the air and shouts, “Yeah!” Then says, “I wanna exercise and go side-to-side and turn.”

April 8, 2010 – Ethan: "I have a headache." Me: “What are headaches?” Ethan: “Headaches are when you’re sick and you eat too much food.”

April 18, 2010 – While playing with his toy airplane, Ethan told his grandpa: “Airplanes fly better with the wing off. I compared it.”

April 20, 2010 – Me: "Your sissy is almost 1!" Ethan: "Aww...I don't want her to turn 1, I want her to stay 10." Me: "She's not 10, she's 11 months." Ethan: "Oh...well, I want her to be 10."

April 20, 2010 – When Ethan was playing with his Hot Wheels, he looked at me and said: “You see…this is a scientific car. It does tricks.”

April 27, 2010 – Ethan: “I don’t want sissy to turn 1.” Me: “Why?” Ethan: “Because she can have a cupcake when she’s 1, and I’m the only one who can have sugar!”

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